Explore California's path through wine history in one incredible collection.
It all started with corkscrews, selling high-end wine openers to high-end buyers. But, soon art & antique dealer Jim McCormick realized there was an overlooked abundance of wine history and historical artifacts out there for the pickin’. Intrigued with California wine history and its heritage McCormick began a thirty-year obsession with collecting “all things wine”. After filling five warehouses, it became clear the collection belonged in a public venue, a California Wine Museum. Unable to find a buyer of the collection in full, Jim is now offering his collection for individual sale or event rental to museums, collectors, and wine lovers…the public.
New Collection Available Now!
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The New Collection
After 30+ years of curation, Jim McCormick is selling his California Wine Museum in part or as a whole. Thousands of items from his personal collection are now available to the public.
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About Jim McCormick
St. Lawrence University graduate; New York emigrant to California in the mid 60’s I pursued and achieved a successful career in advertising and marketing in San Francisco while raising three wonderful children. “Dropping Out” in the 1970’s I renewed a continued love affair with antiques and history begun as a child in local thrift shops and libraries. First with a furniture refinishing and stripping business along with the first antique collective North of S.F. Then, as a sole proprietor, hauling tractor trailer’s full of “Golden Oak”, Victoriana and oddities every eight weeks from the East coast to the West. Selling on a wholesale basis, setting aside the best for retail. Fabulous years! Afterwards, as a bi-coastal dealer, I began doing many shows and exhibitions. Along the way, with my infatuation with California wine I began buying, selling and collecting corkscrews, which soon evolved into any artifact relating to the evolution of wine history in California.
I was smitten! My personal Wine Museum collection has been on line as a “virtual museum” since 2008. My career includes award winning historical exhibits, ongoing contribution to museums, written words on wine history all relating to the story of the historical struggle of wine from the Old World to California which through my collection illustrates the influence of the pioneers, the immigrants, seeing a future that now brings fine wine to your table. This collection is NOW AVAILABLE, to institutions, collectors, history buffs, and the wine lover. BUY A PIECE OF CALIFORNIA WINE HISTORY. And, remember… “IN VINO VERITAS”!
Get in touch to talk about the collection and all things wine!

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